Roberto C.
Testata durante alcuni campeggi sia con il sole che con la neve posso dire che è comodissima e pensata da chi in moto ci va davvero. La trovo comodissima per lo spazio che mi permette di cambiarmi, depositare i bagagli, cucinare, rilassarmi, dormire comodamente. Inoltre è veramente ben rifinita e ingegnerizzata con materiali di ottima qualità che mi hanno isolato perfettamente. Veloce da montare, non troppo pesante, facile da riporre. Promossa a pieni voti.
Giovanni F.
Abbastanza semplice da montare, materiali resistenti, ma soprattutto tanto tanto spazio per tutta la mia attrezzatura
Marco S.
Very good, fantastic
Gregory N.
It's a pity you didn't throw in some tent poles for one of the anexes as I'm on the disability support pension and it took me over 2 yrs to save my lease runs out in 4 wks then I'll be living in my tent full time so please find it in your hearts send me some Annex poles please
jocelyne P.
bonjour, la première achetée en 2016 , sachant que nous nous en servons très régulièrement Vélo, moto , elle a enduré les montages et démontages journalièrement.
Voici la deuxième en espérant qu'elle supporte tous nos montages démontages
Il faudrait prévoir une attache au milieu des grands cerceaux pour mieux amarrer avec des vents forts.
Adam L.
The MotoTent changed the whole experience of motorcycle touring for me. Now I am not worried about the weather, I am happy to chill in my little red hotel until it’s time to hit the road again. Love it!
Kelly K.
Love Lone Rider Products! Thank You!
Michae F.
Das Zelt ist perfekt. Es ist windstabil, man kann drin stehen. Es ist super auf dem Bike unterzubringen. Luxus pur, auch wenn das Packmaß größer und schwerer, als die üblichen Motorradzelte ist. Würde ich immer wieder kaufen.
Johnny H.
Great for 1 person
Marco Antonio V.
Excelente producto
Muy bien diseñada, práctica de montar , espaciosa.
Stephan S.
Easy to set the tent.
Very handy to mount on the motorcycle due the attachments
Koenig A.
Bonjour, la moto tente est super ! Dommage que le haut vent soit en option et non compris dans le prix
Frank D.
Alles gut durchdacht dadurch Klasse einfach aufzubauen. Auch für ein alleine.
Paul Q.
A brilliant test which assembles in literally minutes. the external "room" was a godsend and i've already purchased another for my daughter. Highly recommend!!
Mark Rogers R.
It's the perfect size and design. I am tall, older, creaky etc., so this is the perfect solution. Supreme luxury for a solo like me to relax in. I am sure it will stand the test-of-time without worry. Porch area is awesome without the 'bike - happy to put the 'bike in where needs must...
Andrew S.
Haven’t been able to use properly yet but it is well thought out, well made and I’m sure it will perform exactly as I had hoped
Lu H.
I like this tent so much, it will be my favorite tent in 2025
Robert S.
looks well made with loads of great features
Diane C.
Larger than expected. Cant wait to use it
Steven N.
Happy with the size and weight and a big bonus is that you can stand up to get dressed as opposed to wriggling around in a normal tent.
David R.
A extremely well made home from home. Brilliant for when the weather is bad, with enough space to get out of the rain when setting up or packing away. With more than enough space to put the bike in at night.
Michael M.
Fits my needs perfectly
Christopher F.
Well made plenty of room inside and able to stand upright
Packs down well for easy carrying on bike
Terry c.
I've opened it up and it looks great ,it will get it's main use this June at the ABR FESTIVAL or before .I'm hopping to get out with it soon .I will keep you posted ,many thanks Terry coupe
John A.
I can't believe this MotoTent can handle the strongest wind i have experience in the mountain. Superb Quality. You get what you paid for.
Pas encore déballer mais des amis l’ont déjà adopter depuis quelques années .
Que de bon retour .
Ole Fredrik M.
Love the standing height, it could ideally be a littlebit shorter when compressed. But a great product :-)
José R.
Très belle tente... bonne ergonomie au moment de rentrer la moto et nos affaires à l'abri des regards...en cas de pluie géniale pour prendre le temps de tt ranger dans les valises de la moto, s'habiller en combinaison de pluie pour n'avoir qu'à replier la tente au dernier moment et partir
Jon P.
great tent, as i've seen on interwebs, very cool and alot of thought gone into it, big on bike but i do like a tent i can stand up in... cool as. i did order the awning kit and another ground sheet at the same time and they month later havent show'n as left and no reply comunication... that's the onlyy sad part. cheers
Aitor A.
No he podido probarla aún, tiene una pinta espectacular, tengo unas ganas increíbles de probarla, la pena es con lo que me ha costado no me mandarais algo de merchandising.
Jean michel F.
Impeccable rien a dire, conforme
Khaled G.
Tente adaptée à mes besoin spacieuses et efficace en plein désert. Jamais sans ma moto tente merci lone rider.
Detlef S.
Aus meiner Sicht ist das Zelt zu schwer, für lange Touren.
Yves B.
Je l’ai simplement déballée pour l’instant et j’ai pu constaté le niveau premium du produit par la qualité des matériaux tout en ayant un poids hyper léger et une praticite de mise en œuvre de la tente. Franchement bravo. Bien entendu c’est pas donné mais ça le vaut je pense.
Pascal R.
Pas encore utilisée vu le temps ...
Semble solide et de belle facture. Montage d'essai réalisé seul et sans trop de difficultés.
Je ne manquerai pas de donner mon avis après la première utilisation en conditions réelles.
Luigi M.
I do not have chance to use the tent right now, I will wait for the spring/summer.
I have mounted it in my basement.
For what I have seen, it looks amazing, easy to mount, a lot of space for sleeping and living.
Axel S.
Super Teil gute Kommunikation gutes miteinander soo muss es sein
Steeve O.
Montage facile et très grand volume, j’adore
Gennaro S.
Ottimo acquisto
David R.
Hate de tester la tente ! Ma GSa sera contente d'être à l'abri lors des roads trips
Pas encore servie .
Patrick H.
Noch nicht getestet, aber der erste Eindruck ist super
Derek C.
It is winter where I live as I write this -28c…. Was given to me as a gift. It’s perfect.
I can’t wait to use it.
Stefan K.
Sehr gute Qualität…
Wird dann auf meiner Motorradtour getestet…
Roman G.
Pas encore testé, mais tout me semble de qualité
pascal c.
Pas encore testée en situation réelle, juste montée dans un jardin. Ensemble qualitatif, montage relativement simple qui deviendra forcément plus rapide au fil des installation.
Je connaissais bien sur les dimensions et le poids, mais il faut reconnaitre que c'est un sacré morceau, heureusement que je voyage en solo sinon je ne saurai pas ou la mettre.
Hâte de sortir de l'hiver pour la tester sur le terrain.
Alejandro Luis A.
Aún no la he montado, pero me parece un producto muy bueno. En cuanto la monte os daré más detalles.
Jcvdw V.
Pas encore essayé
Attendons Mars 2025 pour cela
Sinon package conforme
Gian Luca D.
Ottimo prodotto, semplice da monetare, perfetto per la moto.
Holger S.
Wie soll ich mitten im Winter das Moto tent bewerten???
Fragt mich nochmal im Sommer !!!
Patrick D.
Like all Lonerider guy it's been thought through and designed by actual Bike Riders. Well done. Love how small it is when put in the bag also. Like my Lonerider rackless moto bags top quality and practicality.
Carlos E.
Solamente la he montado y fácil y rápido, las sensaciones del material muy buenas
Uwe B.
Lieferung lief problemlos. Hatte leider noch keine Zeit das Zelt zu testen. Wird nachgereicht.
fabrice c.
Après vérification de la présence de tous les éléments, je suis heureux de mon achat.
Elle sera testée complètement en mai 2025 en Italie pour un petit voyage de 10 à 15 jours.
Juste un peu déçu par l'aspect vraiment "cheap" du tapis de sol *S.O.S.* fourni avec la tente par rapport à celui de votre vidéo de présentation.
T H.
Best solution there are for adventure bikers. Especially appreciated having the option to stand upright. Obviously made by bikers for bikers.
Frank P.
kann bisher nur völlig unauffällige Lieferung bestätigen. Ist noch nicht die Jahreszeit, um ein Zelt auszupacken...
jonathan C.
Très bonne qualité et très pratique
noel b.
le temps ne m'as pas permis d'essayer ma mototente mais la livraison a été super rapide ! hâte de la monter
Paul A.
As a concept I think it's brilliant! I would not be setting it up until next year.
Easy R.
Moto tent on winter vacation in the Orient... before the upcoming Arctic Run 2025
Jerid H.
Great tent! Cant wait to try it out for real.
Rick D.
Tent was very easy to put up and there was more than enough space for the two of us and the motorbike.
Mickaël G.
Mototent reçu aujourd'hui. Après un doute sur sa prétendue supériorité et vu le coût du matériel, j'ai été rassuré dès le déballage. Étant habitué au camping, la qualité ressentie est hallucinante ! Le côté 4x4 de luxe se ressent tout de suite ! Les zones fragiles semblent bien renforcées, les couture très propres et bravo pour l'intégration des poches pour cordage des haubans !Mon seul regret était de m'attendre à une tente avec seulement 4 haubans,j'en avais fait le deuil, encore une fois,en habitué je savais qu'il y aurait une limite à son utilisation en situation très très ventée.Quelle fût ma surprise de découvrir alors, 20 piquets alu rouge et 6 piquets pour sol dur semblables à de vrais harpons et visiblements très très costauds. Puis en soulevant la toile par ci par là J'ai découvert le sourire aux lèvres les 2 haubans latéraux ! J'ai donc le modèle dont je rêvais avec 6 haubans! Le pieds ! Ce weekend c'est test en famille direction l'Ardèche
Je ne manquerais pas de commenter cette première expérience...
Patrick T.
Très bon achat!
Roberto P.
I traveled 10,000 km north to Nordkapp and back , where the weather was terrible. When I camped, setting up the tent was quick and easy. One of the best features was the spacious sleeping area, which had enough room for all my gear. It was great to fit my bike inside the tent, keeping everything nice and dry. In the morning, I could load up my bike while it was still raining—it was so convenient. Despite the heavy rain, nothing leaked inside the tent. It’s a great product, and I really enjoyed using it.
Donald B.
After a detailed analysis of this tent I bought it knowing it was heavier then most but I needed shelter from the elements when camping. The first time I used it I found it easy to set up and it gave me much needed shade over a weekend that was in triple digits. It will be my go to tent when staying in a single spot for a couple of days.
John P.
Just one thing to add about pitching in deep sand where you might be setting up in a breeze or windy conditions. I found that the tent stakes would lift right out of the ground before I could finish setting up for the night. I solved the problem with a lightweight set of skewers - see photo. These go deep enough that when angled properly the tent can withstand the wind while putting up the tent as well as staying in place for a full night’s uninterrupted sleep - without adding much weight. The nighttime reflectors in the tent cords make it easy to locate them in the dark, too. I love the thought that went into the tent design. I would like one more interior storage pocket up at the top of the center door panel where I can stash my flat LED lamp to have illumination with fewer shadows. I have 5000 mile road trip next week where I will experiment with alternate placement.
Byron K.
I loved how easy the tent was to set up after a long ride. I was not able to use to lies the garage space because of how my campsite was set up. That just provided me with more space to relax and enjoy.
I am happy I made this purchase.
I love my moto tent, I have absolutely nothing negative to add, have camped in extreme heat and persistent rain and it withstands all weather conditions.
It’s incredibly easy to set up and pack down. There are many good tents for less money but being able to stand up and change clothes and avoid crawling in a cramped small tent is worth the price. When you purchase the tent, buy an awning kit to, it’s perfect to be able to open up and use as a roof. If you're thinking of buying the moto tent but are unsure, buy it, I promise you won't be disappointed!
Patrick D.
Je rentre d'un road trip de 5 semaines en scandinavie montage et démontage de la moto tente tout les jours ,dans l'ensemble c'est un bon produit, légère, facile à monter et démonter, les gros défauts que j'ai trouvé c'est cet espace beaucoup trop important dans le bas de la tente qui laisse passer le vent ensuite il manque d' attache pour mettre des haubans en cas de fort vent 1 de chaque côté de l'arceau du milieu et un au centre de l'arceau du devant j'ai eu un coup de vent au cap nord les 2grands arceaux pliant dans tout les sens .sinon les vides poches très utiles, les piquets très solide je recommande la moto tente même si je vais essayer de modifier certaines choses
Monroe C.
I purchased the tent new last summer and have since used it episodically for short trips (1-2 nights). I use it as both a motorcycle tent and an overlanding tent. My first few times I used it, so much time had gone by since the last set up I’d get frustrated and finally revert to the sewn in instructions. (User error…) This July however I strapped it on my gs1250 and used it for a 3k cross country road trip lasting 10 days. After the second night I could put it up in my sleep in under 7 minutes and that’s after 4-7 hours of riding. Bottom line, The quality of the workmanship is superb. The tent design is brilliant- the attention to detail from setup, to sleeping, to re-packing and fastening to the bike really impresses. It’s not an inexpensive tent, but it’s an awesome value and indispensable piece of kit. Once set up properly, (you’ll know you’re there the first time you get everything lined up) it’s wind and rain resistance capabilities far exceed my comfort level- I got caught in a terrible storm and a mini flash flood overnight near ooray, the cabin held, water tight and other than having to restake where my bike fell from the garage portion (away from the cabin) that was it. Bottom line, after a year of ownership, and some heavy duty use (abuse?) it’s still as good as new. Wears like iron. Could not be happier.
Mike K.
Bigger overall package to haul but well worth the extra room and garage area, bravo!
Ron G.
I have had the Mototent since 2020. I have used it with two different styles of bikes... this tent has been very comfortable for me to travel with and is amazing to relax in. The addition of the awning kit is almost a requirement.
Leonard William H.
It took a few trials to set up tent in a timely manner, but it can be done in under 5 min. Overall the quality is great, a few threads left on it, but it does what it is intended to do; give shelter for you and if you want , shelter for bike in bad weather. You do have to open it up to receive adequate air flow, which does not work if your trying to stay dry. It's big and takes up room on a motorcycle, but it does make for a great back rest. Overall it gets a great rating from me just a little pricey for a single wall tent.
Hubert M.
Love this tent! At 71 one of the worst things about camping is climbing out of a short tent, but not with the Mototent. It allows a ton of air thru with the doors open and you stay dry & warm thru the worst downpours. During a total downpour at the Get On adv fest in Sturgis, SD we turned the garage into a party zone.
You won’t be sorry if you get this tent‼️
Bo L.
I have been using the tent on my travels for one year and I really love it. You got space and you can stand up when changing clothes.
And of course, invite your best buddy, the bike!! ❤️
Ryan S.
First of all, what a great tent! Keeps you bone dry in hours and hours of rain can fall and not a drop inside. Yes it is very big and yes at 14lbs. or so, it's considered heavy for moto camping. The decision to go smaller has been on my mind, especially for my COBDR but what I'm realizing is that this tent isn't hard to setup and it does pack up easily and is very well worth the trade off for space. We always sacrifice space and weight for comfort, but good sleep is important to me. My main decision to run this tent for a 2 week trip setting it up every night and packing up every morning, is that I will be the one in our 3 person group that will have a place to hang out when it's raining or whatever. You don't have to be in a tiny tent that you can stand up in all separated in individual tents, but the garage area can keep all 3 of us dry and we can sit in our chairs and make those hours pass by much better. It does take quite a few stakes to fully stake it down and for that reason, I'm a bit cautious about it on rocky ground, so I have some backup "Nail Type" stakes that I think can work if the stock ones fail. The "Taj Mahal" as my buddies call is an absolute game changer and is well worth getting one and is perfect for one spot multi-day camping.
Ryan E.
Great moto camping tent wasn't able to use the bike garage but used that area for our gear and staying out of the rain, a place to be able to sit keep dry.
Chris T.
I've used this tent on my cros country Motorcycle ride to Redmond, to the MOA rally. After goign through short learning curve, I found assembly and disassembly quick and easy. Foldig and packing it away into the carry bag is quite easy.
The features on teh tent are great. Stowage pockets, and plenty of provisions for hanging lights or other devices.
The ground sheet for the garage could be improved by providing clips that spring close around the receivig grommet rather than just open clips which tend to slide off their point of attachment.
THe comfort is attested to by everybody and the quality is up to par.
Here is the one drawback of this tent, and why it got a 4 and not 5 stars from me and it has to do with windy
Teh instructions say point the small end into the wind. Thats a wonderful theory, and indeed if the wind is stedy and predictibel , the tent will do fine. The issue is with vartiable winds such as when a storm is approaching. Ive experienced a modrate gust of wind blow from the side , severely deformig the tent. If the wind turns and gusts from the tall side, the tent will lean, shake and can ultimately get knocked down. I had this experience at 3 am in Moab Utah when the wind picked up in the middle of the night. , gustig to pronably around 20 mph. No way couldl i sleeep, and i decided to take the tent dowen, and leaft early for the day. So if you knwo your goig to be in stormy conditins , kier a summer thunderstorm, you will have to gwet through the tough period of discomfort and possible knockdown.
Michael P.
Very comfortable - Easy to pitch and pack down.
No crawling around on hands and knees anymore My MSR Elixir 2 will only be used for backpacking from now on ☺️
Jonathan C.
Starting my journey from New Brunswick, Canada to Laconia, New Hampshire, and then crossing Canada to Victory, BC, and back my tent has been a reliable companion. In the four times I've used it so far, including once during heavy rain but no wind, it has proven to be durable and enjoyable. The tent's layout is impressive, as even at 6 feet tall, I have no trouble standing in the garage area. There is enough room to sleep two people comfortably, and the storage options are convenient. I appreciate the multiple doors and find the setup and tear down process easy. With three awnings available, it offers a versatile setup. With my military background of 20 years, I know how to care for and handle a tent, as well as what to expect from it. I am uncertain about its performance in heavy wet snow do to the snow accumulating on it. When wet, fitting the tent into the dry sack can be challenging due to its size. Also, the small tent pegs may not be suitable for all terrains, with larger pegs being more appropriate for sandy areas or soft ground prone to high winds. Overall I believe this tent is a great investment for me.
Jenny M.
I watched a ton of videos and reviews and this tent did not disappoint! I will say that the awning set that they sell for over $100 did not interest me as there are significantly cheaper awning poles available at Amazon and other sites that are adjustable. they cannot be the exact same height as this accumulates water on the roof......if you fold over one of their awning poles and leave one section not inserted into the tube you could remedy this, but then you compromise the unfinished end of their tube when you shove it into the dirt. Maybe they can update their awning set to include poles that are adjustable : )
I have only set it up once to try it out, I will say that although the stakes are really cool, I think in a high windstorm the tent loops would not stay on that little notch meant to catch the loop. I wish the top of the stakes was more hooked. But, we will see, maybe it will work out just fine with the extra provided guy lines staked out too. I will take this out on the road next weekend for a moto camping trip and let you know how it goes in action!
Mathieu F.
Très satisfait de la qualité de ma Mototent.
Malheureusement, un joint d'une pole rouge a brisé à la 1ère installation. Bravo pour le kit de réparation qui inclue un tube en métal qui m'a permis de monter la tente malgré le bris de joint de pole.
Ensuite, j'ai simplement écrit un courriel et en quelques heures jai eu la confirmation qu'il m'envoyait 1 pôle de remplacement rouge complète et le kit de pôle pour auvant pour le désagréement.
Vraiment super service après vente et très bon produit. Déception effémère, satisfaction durable.
Bravo et Merci Lone Rider
liam m.
Very nice tent, It's perfect for staying in one place for a week and using it as a base camp to explore the local area. It's easy to set up and put down and is very well thought out. It makes the process of setting up as uncomplicated as possible. I have one complaint which is the only reason it hasn't got 5 stars. I've had the tent for less than a year and the storage bag already has a small hole in it. I'd expect it to be stronger considering the price of a replacement bag. Overall I would highly recommend this tent for those looking for a base camp. However if your only staying in one place for a night before moving on I would personally look at the small adv tent.
Davey U.
Great tent, with well thought out features and easy to use for it's size.
David W.
Never been camping before so I’m inexperienced but I was able to put this tent up easily by myself and it didn’t take that long either. Recommended it to another biker and she’s now ordered one. Had my bike parked under the tent at the front and was easy to go out the rear door if I needed to (especially in the middle of the night to answer the call of nature)
Quality through & through, great Tent
Elias C.
Definitely the best choice, comfortable, ideal for motorcycle camping
Ana .
I can't believe it took me so long to write this review. I've been using this tent to go moto camping for over a year now and I have only good things to say about it. The quality is over the top, and now all my friends want one because of all the space it has, particularly the space for the motorcycle. The fact that is such a big tent, yet it's incredibly easy to set up blows my mind. Thank you Lone Rider for making the perfect tent that meets the needs of people who ride and even those who don't and just want to be extra comfy.
Richard B.
Easy set up and tear down. Comfort and huge space for gearing up and sleeping. Perfect for an old guy motorcyclist!
Charley S.
Great tent. It is big and packs big. I’m 67 and have been riding for 58 years. My body feels every crash I’ve had while racing off road, so even though I don’t mind sleeping on the ground, I tired of playing twister when I get dressed in a small dome tent. I love this tent. It is great and I highly recommend it.
Richard D.
Loving everything about this tent. It’s design. Ease of construction. Quality of materials. Comfort factor.
Buenos materiales, la única pega que le pongo es que hay sitios donde la zona habilitada para acampar no tiene pasto o tierra, sino concreto por lo cual no se puede montar la tienda